Dreams and schemes

My Photo
Location: Brunswick, ME, United States

I am fun-loving, a dreamer, but not much of a schemer. I try always to be a good friend, and a good mother, daughter and sister. I am a hard worker, and I like to work hard and also to have a good time. I am serving in the Peace Corps, in Moldova, and the insight and opinions in this blog are mine, and do not reflect the opinions of the US government or the Peace Corps. "I cannot do great things. I can only do small things with great love."

Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Indian summer

Maybe it's Native American summer, but in any event it has been so warm and beautiful these past few days. It was a glorious weekend, and I am so over the past weekend of moaning and whining. Last weekend was dreary, rainy and cooler. This past weekend was warm and sunny and just so pretty. Even though I really don't like the shorter days that autumn brings, a pretty day reminds me that there is so much to be thankful for. I love to be out in the yard, and I spent time on Sunday in the garden and mowing, probably for the last time this season.

Work has taken some interesting twists of late. Last Friday the supervisors and managers were called to an emergency "budget" meeting and told that our jobs were ending in 30 days, but that we would have an opportunity to interview for new jobs. They have moved from regional supervisors and managers to service specific managers and supervisors. So there will be a state-wide manager for case management, one for home-based, and one for school-based. The supervisors will be service specific as well. So for those of you who read this, who were case management supervisors, or home-based supervisors, you will know that what goes around, comes around. Too weird.

Every one was interviewed yesterday, and they will make some decisions soon. We'll see what happens. Just when you think things can't get any stranger, there you go! Even odder than what you imagine. I was prepared to lose my job when the Portland office closed, so this news was not totally unexpected. It was the timing that threw me off a bit. I am just taking my time, waiting for the next thing to become real. Wish that there was news from the Peace Corps to help with this decision making. I wasnt going to even interview, but didn't want to "cut off my nose to spite my face". I did, somewhat ambiviently interview for the case management program manager. I am not thrilled about state-wide travel, having just ended the long drive to Mountain View every week. I can't imagine that I am not the most qualified for this role, but again, nothing in this world is certain, so only time will tell.

My dad keeps reminding me that life doesn't begin at conception, or even at birth, but rather when the kid moves out and the dogs die! Either way, with the job, it is a livlihood, not my life, and it is a weird turn of events, but not particularly stressful. More like joyful, and that feels great.

Linnea is now on day shift, at least temporarily. I am happier that I can talk to her in the evening, and she isn't returning home in the middle of the night. Not much else that I am ready to write about, but I am significantly happier than at any time in the recent past. No matter what the reason, it is a good thing.

This week I am off to Louisville for the National Case Management conference. Should be fun!

Friday, September 14, 2007

It's a Friday night, and I ain't got nobody...

Well, it's another Friday night, sitting home...bored. Since I last wrote, work has gotten busier, but no better/happier for me. All of my testing paperwork now sits with the Peace Corps, faxed to them last Tuesday after the holiday. I thought I might hear something from them before the end of this week, as they have been very quick with their turnaround times. Alas, not to be. I have been checking the PC webpage regularly, sometimes hourly, and working on all of my "Plan B" options in the event I am rejected. Today I did get to see Rita, Kelly and Bob, so that was probably the nicest thing to happen at work for a while. That and on Wedensday I was invited to the Blaine house, the governor's home, for a work related reception for the Maine Youth Suicide Prevention Program. They have done some good work in the state over the past 10 years.

For those of you who read this who know my dogs, you may not know that I had to put Dice (the bigger dog) down in June. Since that time, Domino has struggled with doggie depression. I know it is so because she has been so sad and lethargic, looking for him for days. She had gotten better after a few weeks, but more recently she has really been sick, not eating or even drinking anything. Today I took her to the vet and they gave me some antibiotics for her, but she still won't eat, not even specially made hamburger, which in normal circumstances would have been gone before the plate touched the floor. I am worried about her. She is 12, and has had a pretty good life, but I am sad because I do think she will get past this. There is more than a little guilt to my relief about the timing, and not wanting to have her have to readjust to a new home if/when I leave here.

Mike is at the Red Sox/Yankees games tonight and Sunday. Exciting for him, but I really couldn't care less. I am more excited that the Blue Angels are in town for the Brunswick Air Show. Loud. but very cool. They flew into town on Thursday and have been practicing for the past two days. Linnea is doing well, struggling a little bit this week, I think in part because she knows the PC or Plan B decisions really will be coming soon, and she, more than anyone is uncertain about what that might mean for her, if I am gone for an extended trip. I know she will do fine, but she seems not as sure about that...

Other than all that, not much else new. The days are definitely getting shorter and the nights colder.