Half Past February
February is officially more than half over! Here in Moldova they celebrate the first day of Spring on March first, so in less than two weeks we will be in Spring here. Just to remind us that it is, in fact, still Winter, on Friday the thirteen, we got about 3-4" of snow. I'm not superstitious, so I don't believe that the date had anything to do with it! Thursday it had rained all day, and it was really miserable. Friday morning, it was one of those snow days with the snowflakes that are so big that when one lands on your tongue it quenches your thirst...When I got up in the morning it was drizzling, and by the middle of the afternoon it was done, so it wasn't too bad all things considered. The snow that had fallen in January was gone, and the ground was not really frozen, so I'm hopeful that this won't last too long.
So, now you can see that I have added some pictures. At night and on the weekends, when the connection seems to be a little faster, I am trying to upload some pictures for you all. I am going back in time and adding them to the dates that they occurred. There are still big gaps of time with no pictures, so don't rush going back trying to see them yet. At the rate things upload, it will take a while. I'm working on it....
Yesterday I was in Chisinau for the day. I went in for the VAC meeting, and got my B12 shot, and a hot shower (!) and pretty much just turned around and came home. It's a long day doing it that way, but they had asked me to work at the Center today, and I think I wrote last time how often the kids seem to be left alone, so I was happy to be there today.
There isn't too much else new this week. I will be home for a visit in less than two months! I can't wait...I confess, I have a countdown calendar! Special get well wishes to Betsy's mom who is back at Maine Med. Greetings to all, where ever you are reading this from. I miss you all and hope that you are doing well. xoxo, Jami
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