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Location: Brunswick, ME, United States

I am fun-loving, a dreamer, but not much of a schemer. I try always to be a good friend, and a good mother, daughter and sister. I am a hard worker, and I like to work hard and also to have a good time. I am serving in the Peace Corps, in Moldova, and the insight and opinions in this blog are mine, and do not reflect the opinions of the US government or the Peace Corps. "I cannot do great things. I can only do small things with great love."

Monday, December 29, 2008

My Parents

I have written before about my parents, and how they have supported this journey. What I haven't written is how they have always supported me, and my siblings, in every journey, and in everything that we have done. They are wonderful as individuals, and awesome as a team. For the past fifty-two years they have worked together to create a wonderful family. By their example, they have imparted the values that I hold most dear: commitment, respect, loyalty, honesty, integrity, hard-work, love of others, and compassion. It is also through their example that I have learned the importance of a good education, civic responsibility, and social justice. They have always been fair in their judgements of others, and have been respectful of others at all times. They may have sacrificed personal goals for the sake of family life, but I have never been aware of such sacrifice, for it has never been spoken of. If they have quarreled over the years, it has been a private matter, resolved between the two of them. I have never been asked to choose sides. By growing up in their loving home, I have been been blessed to know the way that love compromises for a greater good. Thank you, Mom and Dad, and Happy Anniversary! I love you, Jami


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