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Location: Brunswick, ME, United States

I am fun-loving, a dreamer, but not much of a schemer. I try always to be a good friend, and a good mother, daughter and sister. I am a hard worker, and I like to work hard and also to have a good time. I am serving in the Peace Corps, in Moldova, and the insight and opinions in this blog are mine, and do not reflect the opinions of the US government or the Peace Corps. "I cannot do great things. I can only do small things with great love."

Thursday, October 16, 2008


I just talked to my parents, and my brother, David, a little while ago. My mom came home from the hospital yesterday, and she seems to be doing really well. She sounds good over the phone, anyway. It is amazing to think that only a week ago she was preparing for major surgery. One tough cookie, my mom! She will be having the visiting nurse come in regularly, and I hope she takes it easy, and doesn't try to over-do things. That is my biggest worry, because I know that I come by that tendency genetically. Thank you so much to all of you who have called or written, or just been around for me. I appreciate it, and all of you.

I was in Chisinau from Monday until yesterday, trying to figure out whether to stay put, or use my credit card to make an emergency trip home. After thinking about all the alternatives, I have decided to stay put for the time being. It has not been an easy decision. I really would have appreciated the two weeks that might have been granted for emergency leave, but that was not to be. I think in the long run, I will be happier to be home in the Spring for my planned vacation. By then, hopefully, my mom's health will be more stable and we can better enjoy our time together. I will really miss seeing my brother, as he won't be home then, but I know I will see him when I get back.

While in Chisinau this week, I spent time with Teresa, and with Renell. Renell is heading home tomorrow. On Saturday, Renell and I had briefly visited the wine fest, and Tuesday was Hram in Chisinau. It is a one day fair, with dancing in the streets, and lots of activity in town. Even though I really wasn't in the mood, it turned out to be a great time, and just the distraction I needed. The week had felt sort of hectic, and fraught with worry, so the loud music, wine, and dancing was fun. I had been at Renell's Friday, Saturday and Sunday, up for the 5 am bus to Chisinau on Monday, back last night. Whew! The other thing that happened to me last week, that was so minor in light of my mom's stuff, was that on Saturday morning, as Renell and I were heading into Chisinau, a dog bit me at her house! Can you believe it? What is up with that?? So, while I was in Chisinau, not only did I get my B12 shot, but I also got a rabies booster. And, I have to go back into Chisinau tomorrow morning for the second booster. Hopefully, that will be the end of my trips into Chisinau for the month of October.

Again, thanks to all of you who have sent notes, or calls, or prayers and thoughts of support this way. I appreciate it, and I know my family is stronger for this challenging reminder of how much we mean to each other. xoxo, Jami


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