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Location: Brunswick, ME, United States

I am fun-loving, a dreamer, but not much of a schemer. I try always to be a good friend, and a good mother, daughter and sister. I am a hard worker, and I like to work hard and also to have a good time. I am serving in the Peace Corps, in Moldova, and the insight and opinions in this blog are mine, and do not reflect the opinions of the US government or the Peace Corps. "I cannot do great things. I can only do small things with great love."

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Good news!

The good news is that Natalia's visa to visit the United States with me has been approved! Since writing last Sunday, I spent last week working at the Center. On Friday, I was scheduled to go into Chisinau for a meeting for the mentors. The new trainees officially became volunteers on Saturday morning. That is an exciting time for them, and they have now moved to their sites where they will live for the next two years. Sunday I stayed in Chisinau, as Natalia and I were scheduled to go to the US Embassy on Monday morning. We met at the Peace Corps office and went to the Embassy together, but I was not permitted to join her for the interview. I was nervous about how it would go, but yesterday afternoon she picked up her passport and the visa was approved! Now I feel like I can begin planning in earnest. We are scheduled to come into Boston on 11/12...90 days from today! I can hardly wait.

There isn't too much else going on. I have one more trip into the capitol this Saturday, and then I think I will be in the village for the rest of the month. There is a lot of work to do here this time of year. My work at the Center is fairly consistent, but there is much more to help with around the house...grapes and tomatoes to pick, pickles to make, all sorts of work.

Happy birthday this week to my friend, Bob, and my nephew Dustin. The summer is going past quickly, enjoy it! I love and miss you all. xoxo, Jami


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