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Location: Brunswick, ME, United States

I am fun-loving, a dreamer, but not much of a schemer. I try always to be a good friend, and a good mother, daughter and sister. I am a hard worker, and I like to work hard and also to have a good time. I am serving in the Peace Corps, in Moldova, and the insight and opinions in this blog are mine, and do not reflect the opinions of the US government or the Peace Corps. "I cannot do great things. I can only do small things with great love."

Monday, January 21, 2008

MLK Monday

I have a dream........What a great speech, an awesome sentiment, to judge by the content of character, rather than the color of skin. Nice that the man is honored as he should be...

Another work week starting, and only this one and next, and then I am all done with Sweetserland. The leaving Sweetser is the easiest part of the entire leaving equation, and except for the friends I have made along the way, not much will be missed. There are so many great people who I have met at work, and the reason I have lasted here as long as I have. Many of these friends have moved on to other work, so it feels comfortable that it is now my turn to go.

I have started packing, and preparing in earnest. There are still many details, but my lists are getting crossed off a bit more each day. I will do as much as I am able and the rest will have to be left for others to pick up on in my absence. I have a new laptop and camera, but I have not quite figured out how to make them work. That will be my next bit of work.


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