MLK Monday
Another work week starting, and only this one and next, and then I am all done with Sweetserland. The leaving Sweetser is the easiest part of the entire leaving equation, and except for the friends I have made along the way, not much will be missed. There are so many great people who I have met at work, and the reason I have lasted here as long as I have. Many of these friends have moved on to other work, so it feels comfortable that it is now my turn to go.
I have started packing, and preparing in earnest. There are still many details, but my lists are getting crossed off a bit more each day. I will do as much as I am able and the rest will have to be left for others to pick up on in my absence. I have a new laptop and camera, but I have not quite figured out how to make them work. That will be my next bit of work.